Publications & Presentations

Original Research

A review of 54 intrauterine intravascular fetal blood transfusions in the Fetal Medicine Unit of Lewisham University Hosptial.  As part of the requirements for the Long Obstetric Commentary for the MRCOG 1993.

The incidence and prevalence of genital papilloma viral infections in a large Genito-urinary medicine clinic serving a diverse inner city population.  As part of the requirements for the Long Gynaecological Commentary for the MRCOG 1993.

The effect of mild protein and calorie under-nutrition on (a) placental and fetal blood flow and (b) gross morphology and placental vascular count in early sheep pregnancy.  Master Science Dissertation – University of London 1999. A retrospective human error analysis of claims in a medium size maternity unit. Master of Arts Dissertation Loughborough – University 2009.


Mannan S, Ojutiku, Al Kawsar Hussain A (2013). Perineal injury aftercare: A telephonic survey of patient satisfaction.  RCOG World Congress 2013.

El-Hamamsy D, Howells P, Ojutiku D (2013).  “The baby shot out and something went pop”.  Could short second stage of labour be a risk factor for Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury (OASIS).  Annual Academic Meeting in Obstetrics & Gynaecology December 2013. 


J.F Barrett at el 2013 A Randomised Trial of Planned Caesarean or Vaginal Delivery for Twin Pregnancy. New England Journal of Medicine 369(14): 1295-1305.

Selo-Ojeme D, Ojutiku D, Ikomi A (2009). The impact of a structured, hands on, surgical skills training program for midwives performing perineal repair.  International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 106(3)239-41.

MacRae R, Ojutiku D, Duke-MacRae J, Usifo F, Ekong M (2008).  Evaluating nuchal translucency scans performed for trisomy screening in a district general hospital between July 1998 and January 2004.  Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 28(7)683-687.

Induction of Labour Multi-Centre Audit –(IMA) Group. (2008). Compliance with NICE guidelines on the use of vaginal prostaglandins for the induction of labour – a UK multi-centre audit. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 28(5)501-503.

Tillisi AK, Grant P, Ojutiku D, Haloob RK, Al Fayad G (2006).   A postal survey to determine the prevalence of Rhinitis of Pregnancy.  Poster Presentation RCOG Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 26(S1)S25-31

Ojutiku D.  GPs must keep prenatal role.  Letter, BMA News; pg 10 – Oct 22, 2005.

Ibraheim M, Wissa B, Ojutiku D:  Intermittent Auscultation: A possible practical pitfall?  Poster presentation RCOG scientific meeting, Cairo. Sept 2005

Selo-Ojeme D, Marshman LAG, Ikomi A, Ojutiku D, Aspoas R, Chawda SJ, Bawa GPS, Rai MS.  Aneurysmal sub-arachnoid haemorrhage in pregnancy.  European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Biology 116(2)131-143 (2004).

Dadi H, Ikomi A, Patwarden S, Ojutiku D.  Unqualified self induction of labour using misoprostol:  An unusual case of uterine hyperstimulation BJOG 111; 1018-1019 (2004).

Ojutiku D. Jones G. Bewley S.  Quantitative fetal fibronectin as a predictor of successful induction of labour in postdates pregnancies.  European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Biology.  101(2) 143-146, (2002).

Kalache KD. Nishina H. Ojutiku D. Hanson MA.  Visualisation and measurement of the tracheal diameter in the sheep fetus: An ultrasound study with stereomicroscopic correlation.  Fetal Diagnosis & Therapy. 16(6) 342-345, (2001).

Kalache KD. Ojutiku D. Nishina H. Green LR. Hanson MA. Mild undernutrition in the first half of ovine pregnancy influences placental morphology but not fetal Doppler velocityflow waveforms and fetal heart size.  Journal of Perinatal Medicine. 29(4) 286-292, (2001).

Ojutiku D. Re: Stage 1a endometrial carcinoma diagnosed on removal of an IUD.  Journal of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care. 27(3) 179, (2001).

Ojutiku D. Chappatte OA.  Spontaneous antepartum uterine artery rupture.  Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 20(5) 542-543, (2000).

Ojutiku D, Cutner A, Rymer J.  Ectopic pregnancy with levonogestrel releasing intrauterine system.  British Journal of Family Planning. 24(2) 85-86, (1998).

Ojutiku D. Morcos S.  Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the endometrium.  Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  15(6) 420-421, (1995).